Synopsis Shokubutsu Mahou Chito De Nonbiri Ryoshu Seikatsu Hajimemasu Zense No Chishiki O Kushi Shite Nogyo Shitara, Gyakuten Jinsei Hajimatta Kudan
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Exploring undeveloped unexplored regions from scratch! Creating and building a city with plant magic!The boy Elt, who reincarnated as an aristocrat, was branded as incompetent and was thrown out as a manager of a remote area with zero territories.However, his "plant magic" was the best all-purpose magic for territorial development! Ashe cultivated by utilizing the magic that produces from crops to buildings and the knowledge of the previous life , the number of territories increased and became lively.Moreover, the territory that should have nothing is actually a treasure trove.A pioneering record of a different world, the opening of comicalization!
Start a leisurely lord life with a plant magic cheat After farming with the knowledge of the previous life, a reversal life began ; 植物魔法チートでのんびり領主生活始めます 前世の知識を駆使して農業したら、逆転人生始まった件