Ataerareta Skill Wo Tsukatte Kasei De Isekai Bijotachi To Ichaicha Shitai
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Ataerareta Skill Wo Tsukatte Kasei De Isekai Bijotachi To Ichaicha Shitai

Synopsis Ataerareta Skill Wo Tsukatte Kasei De Isekai Bijotachi To Ichaicha Shitai

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That day, Ichita Yamada was working part-time as usual. When he opened the back door after finishing his part-time job, he found a blank space and a person who called himself God. It was by chance that he was chosen by God to go to another world. He was perplexed, but decided to live anyway. Thinking about how to survive in this other world using the skills he received from God, he tries his best to have a physical relationship with a beautiful woman in this other world.

Alternative I Want to Earn Money Using the Skills I’ve Been Given and Flirt with Beautiful Women From Other World ; 与えられたスキルを使って稼いで異世界美女達とイチャイチャしたい
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Chapter Ataerareta Skill Wo Tsukatte Kasei De Isekai Bijotachi To Ichaicha Shitai